我社对应更高精度的标准气体需求,可提供应用大质量超精密天平取得的质量比混合法标准气体。 Takachiho gravimetically produces standard gases for applications requiring the most demanding precision using the ultra-precise giant gravimetric balance. 主要产品规格如下,其他规格请咨询。 Please refer to "Standard gases" of Product List about concentrations. Please inquire about other specifications not listed here. 本装置使用质量比混合法 ( 标准气体的调制方法之一,国际上作为基准气体的调制方法 ) 的等比天平,这种装置是现在所应用的天平里最尖端的。 我社拥有 2 台这样的装置 ,LK-100( 最大秤量 30kg, 最小读数 1mg),LK-30( 最大秤量 30kg, 最小读数 0.5mg), 量度用的基准砝码,定期进行校正,以保持其精度。 This equipment is a balance using comparative equivalence and is used for applying the gravimetric method, (a method for fine tuning standard gases accepted around the world) and is one of the most precise balances used today. We have two balances, LK-100 (max 30kg, min 1mg) and LK-30 (max 30kg, min 0.5mg), and we maintain their accuracies by performing calibrations on a regular basis using standard weights traceable to national and international standards.
我社所使用的标准气体,均用此天平进行调制,把 SI 基本单位的质量作为标准,从而保持住国际标准。并且,我社作为计量法的认定事业者,提供符合国家标准,具备 JCSS 证书的标准气体。其数值均按相应质量比混合法调制,使用经过检定机构检定的标准气体。 The standard gases we use are measured against this balance, and thus maintains international traceability since the balance uses SI as the standard unit of measurement. Also, we are an accredited body using the Measurement Law and supply JCSS (Japan Calibration Service System) certified gases, traceable to the national standard. All JCSS gases are assigned their values using gravimetric standard gases analyzed by the government agency. |